Skin 101 - The Benefits of Red, Green, and Blue Light Therapy

August 31, 2022

Skin 101 - The Benefits of Red, Green, and Blue Light Therapy

Red, green, and blue light therapy are all the rage in the cosmetic industry today...

Skin 101 - The Benefits of Red, Green, and Blue Light Therapy

Red, green, and blue light therapy are all the rage in the cosmetic industry today. Red (633),green (532), and blue (415) light wavelengths penetrate the dermis and stimulate the cells. Light treatment can improve blood flow, collagen activation, detoxification, and skin regeneration.

The Benefits of Red Light Therapy

●    Red Light Brightens the Skin by Renewing Collagen and Elastin

Collagen and elastin help to form our skin. Collagen is abundant in our bodies. It strengthens and replenishes dead skin cells. After being stretched or squeezed, elastin permits tissues to return to their normal shape. As you age, your skin loses elasticity and firmness, resulting in wrinkles.

Red light penetrates the dermis. It promotes the production of collagen and elastin. This improves the skin's shine.

●    Red Light Reduces the Appearance of Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Red light treatment for anti-aging is becoming more popular. Red light, according to research, increases the regeneration of collagen and elastin cells. This helps to minimize wrinkles and fine lines. Red light improves skin texture, firmness, and tone.

●    Red Light Promotes Tissue Repair and Wound Healing

Red light therapy promotes wound healing and tissue regeneration. Red light enters the skin and encourages cell regeneration. This wavelength promotes fibroblast, keratinocyte, and immune cell regeneration. Injuries and damaged skin heal faster.

●    Red Light Produces the Happy Hormone

Red light increases serotonin production, making you happier and more active. During this time of year, red light can help prevent mild depression and SAD (SAD).Red light therapy is a natural stimulant as well as a mood booster.

●    Red Light Reduces Cellulite

Red light therapy increases circulation, oxygenation, and purification. This reduces cellulite. The procedure removes the toxic buildup that causes cellulite. Fat in connective tissue is reduced by red light therapy.

The Benefits of Green Light Therapy

●    Green Light Gives Fairer Skin

Dark spots are caused by an excess of melanin, the pigment that determines hair and skin color. Melanin absorbs green light, and then the shattered melanin particles are eliminated by the body. Skin is clearer and lighter.

●    Green Light Reduces Spider Veins and Rosacea

Greenlight treats age-related skin and reduces the visibility of spider veins and rosacea. Green light causes blood vessels directly beneath the epidermis to tighten and relieves skin conditions, such as rosacea and erythema.

●    Green Light Decreases Pigmentation and Aging Spots

Greenlight makes fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, and hyperpigmentation less visible. Light therapy is indicated for removing age spots, freckles, and other aging indications. Green light eliminates defects and establishes a barrier to prevent a recurrence.

The Benefits of Blue Light Therapy

●    Blue Light Fights Acne and Oiliness

Blue light is free of UV rays. Acne-causing bacteria are destroyed by the light. Blue light treatment for acne has been proposed by researchers and aestheticians.

Hormone imbalance increases sebum production, resulting in oily skin. Blue Light decreases sebaceous gland oil production.

●    Blue Light Reduces Blemishes

Exposure to blue light reduces acne, greasy skin, and blackheads. Blue light enters the skin and kills the microorganisms responsible for blackheads. Your body eliminates waste, which leaves your pores clear and free of impurities.

●    Blue Light Manages Eczema and Psoriasis

Several studies have found that blue light can help to alleviate skin inflammations, including Eczema and Psoriasis. Blue Skin Light suppresses skin-irritating cells. These cells become less active with time, and physical symptoms fade.


More than cosmetic skin benefits, red, green, and blue light therapy produces a happy hormone that can make one feel happy and beautiful at the same time. Now, when it comes to your skin, you must understand that beauty also comes from within. With a happy mind and a healthy disposition, you can reflect your glow with your best skin using light therapy!

Are you in need of red light therapy? LightVitamin is here to improve your overall health through non-invasive and effective modern treatments. Contact us today to know more!