Water & Light

April 12, 2021

Water & Light

What we know about water.

What we know about water.

Water  (chemical formula H 2O) is a molecule that has two hydrogen and one oxygen atoms. It is an inorganic, transparent, tasteless, odorless, and nearly colorless chemical substance, and Water covers about 71% of the Earth's surface.

Water has three phases.

Water has three phases – gas, liquid, and solid; but have you ever heard of a fourth phase? This fourth phase was hypothesized by Sir William Hardy over a century ago. New findings imply the presence of a surprisingly extensive fourth phase that occurs at interfaces. The formal name for this fourth phase is exclusion-zone water, aka EZ water. This finding may have profound implication for chemistry, physics, and biology. Dr. Gerald Pollack discusses the fourth phase of water, which is a gel-like state that is created when water is exposed to materials that are hydrophilic. He suggests that this phase of water has many potential applications, including in the field of medicine and energy generation.

Dr. Gerald Pollack[1] is the 1st recipient of the Emo to Peace Prize and a recipient of the University of Washington's highest honor, the Annual Faculty Lecturer Award. He is a scientist recognized worldwide as a dynamic speaker and author, whose passion lies in plumbing the depths of natural truths.​

Dr. Pollack's is best known for his (award-winning) published books including: The Fourth Phase of Water (2013),and Cells, Gels, and the Engines of Life (2001).

The fourth phase of water:

  • The fourth phase of water, also known as the exclusion zone, is a zone of water where particles are expelled due to the presence of negative charges. This zone is created by materials that are hydrophilic (water-loving) and can nucleate it, such as gels and droplets. The zone has properties similar to ice, including the presence of negative and positive charges.
  • The fourth phase of water, also known as the EZ phase, explains the formation of colloid crystals, droplets, and water bridges. The energy for these phenomena comes from light, which includes both direct and indirect light.

A water bridge[2]

  • The     Fourth Phase of Water, which is the point at which energy is collected from outside to create an exclusion zone. The exclusion zone builds up due to the energy being taken in, and if you take away that extra energy, it     will go back to its normal size. This battery is basically charged by light, which comes from the sun. The plant that you have sitting in your kitchen is getting light, and the energy is being converted into chemical energy which is then used to do growth and metabolism. This is free energy and it comes from water.
  • Another     opportunity that comes with this knowledge is getting drinking water which     can be obtained if you have a hydrophilic material and put contaminated     water next to it with junk that you want to get rid of. The exclusion zone     is big, so it's easy to extract the water. Salt is also excluded, and this     could be extended to ocean water.
  • The     cells in our body are full of macromolecules, proteins, and nucleic acids,     and each one of these is a nucleating site to build EZ waters. Around each     one of these is EZ water, and this EZ water is negatively charged. This     could be used in the generation of energy

Illustration of the concept of water as battery

What charges this EZ zone particles? Light!

The energy responsible for building this charged, low entropy zone comes from light. We found that incident radiant energy including UV, visible, and near-infrared wavelengths induce exclusion-zone growth in a spectrally sensitive manner. IR is particularly effective. Five-minute exposure to radiation at 3.1 µm (corresponding to OH stretch) causes an exclusion-zone-width increase of up to three times. Apparently, incident photons cause some change in bulk water that predisposes constituent molecules to reorganize and build the charged, ordered exclusion zone.

Studies found that the solute-exclusion zone is charged, while the zone beyond is oppositely charged by light. This separation constitutes a battery, from which current can be drawn. The battery is re-charged by incident radiant energy. Hence, the process resembles the first step of photosynthesis in that incident light yields charge-separation and useful energy. It is effectively a photoelectric effect, except that the medium is ordered water.


Experiments are underway to explore the phenomenon of charge separation in water. The scientific underpinning of this separation is extremely interesting, and is revealing as much about the structure, chemistry, and physics of water as about the prospects of obtaining clean electrical energy from water.

Photons from ordinary sunlight, then, may have an unexpectedly powerful effect that goes beyond mere heating. 

We are two-thirds water -- by volume. In terms of the percentage of molecules, that two-thirds figure computes to a lot of water molecules: more than 99% of our molecules are water molecules. Evidence suggests that those 99% don't merely sit as the background carriers of the more important molecules of life, but are central participants. All that the cell does depends on water. Its energy needs are fueled by food (is mostly water) and light.

Radiant energy is absorbed by water and gives energy to water.

Nature uses light to supply energy. In for example photosynthesis this happens in algae, some bacteria and of course is best known in plants.

The first step in photosynthesis is when leaves receive light, they split the water in their molecules in positively charged and negatively charged water. Like a battery. This leads to many insights into our own health. Water needs light. Our bodies are mostly water, and they need light.

Protein folding in our muscles

Light absorption builds EZ and builds energy and is needed for proper function and health. We need to hydrate as much as we need to light ourselves.

Even at a molecular level we depend on light to give us energy and confer health. This happens by splitting water just like in the first step in photosynthesis and happens in our body just like it happens in plants. Some of it this happens from light. Within limits, seek the sun, seek light.


[1] https://www.pollacklab.org/

[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-T7tCMUDXU