What Should You Do to Prepare for Your LED Light Therapy

March 1, 2023

What Should You Do to Prepare for Your LED Light Therapy

What Should You Do to Prepare for Your LED Light Therapy

What Should You Do to Prepare for Your LED Light Therapy

Therapies are incredibly beneficial. Before you start your LED light therapy, there are some things that you should do to prepare yourself and ensure that the process goes smoothly.

Let us give you some points to be aware of so that you can be fully prepared for your LED light therapy.

What is LED Light Therapy?

Light therapy, also known as phototherapy, is a treatment that uses light to treat various health conditions. It involves delivering certain wavelengths of light to the body with the help of a lightbox device.

The most common type of light therapy is seasonalaffective disorder (SAD), which causes depressive symptoms during winter whenthere are fewer daylight hours. LED lights are used because they containspecific wavelengths of red and near-infrared (NIR) light that have been shownto improve mood and energy levels in people with SAD.

How to Prepare for Your LED Light Therapy

There are a few things that you should do before your light therapy session to ensure that the experience goes as smoothly as possible.

Before the Session

Before your therapy session, you must consult with a doctor to make sure that it’s safe for you to use LED light therapy. Some people may be allergic or sensitive to the lights, so your doctor can help you determine whether this treatment is right for you.

If they decide that it is, then they will likely recommend that you don’t use any other kind of light therapy while using these devices. This is because some wavelengths overlap between different types of light and could lead to an overdose of certain compounds in your body.

During the Session

During the session, you should always ensure the device is being used correctly. This means not using it while lying down or when you’re in a position that could cause harm to your eyes. Do not look straight into the light, as this could cause damage to your eyes. Instead, look at it through the peripheral vision of both eyes or by looking straight ahead at something else while using these devices. This will help you avoid damaging your retina and other parts of your eye.

What Makes the Therapy Effective?

LED light therapy can be successful following these factors :

●    The Right Wavelength: You must have the right wavelength of light for your condition. The right wavelengths will stimulate the cells in your body to respond in a way that helps them heal themselves.

●    The RightFrequency: Different frequencies work better with differentconditions, and some are more effective than others.

●    The RightDuration: The amount of time you spend using the light therapydevice will determine its effectiveness. You should use your device for at least15 minutes daily to achieve the best results possible.


LED light therapy is a very effective treatment for many skin conditions and health problems. With the right knowledge and equipment, you can get the most out of your sessions and see results quickly. Being informed is key when it comes to light therapy, and this article should help you understand all of the factors that can affect your results.

Considering LED light therapy? LightVitamin is agreat place to start. We offer high-quality LED devices and extensive researchand information on the best LED therapy products. Contact us today for moreinformation or to learn how to get started with light therapy!