Product Safety Testing Services .

Product Safety Testing Services Ensure your products meet the required safety standards with our meticulous testing processes. We assess and verify the safety of various products, helping you protect your consumers and your brand's reputation.

Radiation Measurement Services

Radiation Measurement Services Accurate radiation measurement is crucial for numerous applications. Our advanced radiation measurement services provide precise data, ensuring your products and environments are within safe radiation limits.

Scientific Research and Development

Scientific Research and Development in Light Therapy Pioneering the future of light therapy, our scientific research and development team works on innovative solutions to harness the therapeutic benefits of light. We conduct extensive research to develop new and effective light therapy treatments.

Compliance Testing and Evaluation

Compliance Testing and Evaluation of Goods We offer thorough testing, analysis, and evaluation of goods to ensure they comply with industry standards. Our services help manufacturers and suppliers deliver products that meet regulatory requirements and market expectations.

Light stimulates the production of serotonin, which is known as the hormone of happiness, and melatonin, which regulates our sleep and wakefulness. Reduced amount of light causes fluctuations in the level of cortisol - the stress hormone - which makes us feel drowsy.

Different wavelengths of light have shown significant results in treating injuries, illnesses, dermatological ailments, and circadian rhythms.  Light therapy is used for general wellness and health, and it is safe and non-invasive

Light therapy works by stimulating areas of the body with light waves that in turn activate the release of neurotransmitters in the brain and has been directly linked to revitalization and rejuvenation of the body. Light therapy can be done with the use of several devices, including light boxes or a wearable device.

Light therapy treats various ailments and conditions.

Light in your daily diet.

Frequently Asked.

What is light therapy?

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Light therapy is the use of light to treat various ailments and conditions. Backed by decades of research and clinical tests and studies, light therapy has helped many people around the world.  Different wavelengths of light have shown significant results in treating injuries, illnesses, dermatological ailments, and circadian rhythms.  Light therapy is used for general wellness and health, and it is safe and non-invasive.

How does light therapy work?

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Light therapy works by stimulating areas of the body with light waves that in turn activate the release of neurotransmitters in the brain and has been directly linked to revitalization and rejuvenation of the body. Light therapy can be done with the use of several devices, including light boxes or a wearable device.

What are some benefits of light therapy?

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- Increasing levels of serotonin in the brain
- Reducing stress hormones in the body
- Decreasing inflammation
- Increasing levels of dopamine in the brain

How long does it take for the benefits to show up from light therapy?

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Generally, it takes about two weeks for light therapy to have an effect. Sometimes the benefits of light therapy can be immediate yet it is important to be patient and consistent with light therapy to experience its full benefits.

What are light therapy best practices?

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Consult your doctor before using any type of light therapy as it could cause injury if not done correctly.

Light = Health
Light Therapy = Health Therapy

Better health
starts here.

Methods of healing.

Light is readily absorbed by surface tissues and cells, leading to enhanced skin health and healing. Infrared light is invisible to the human eye, and penetrates into deeper tissues, leading to enhanced recovery and inflammation support. Light stimulates you’re the body’s natural recovery, healing, and regeneration process to activate. It’s ideal for post-workout treatments. Light waves penetrate the skin and healing takes place at the cellular level. Exposing your body to this light enhances your cells to function as they are designed to it is hard to predict the way your body will respond to Photo biomodulation and how quickly you will see results.

Medical uses.

There are many ailments or disorders that can be treated with light therapy. Different wavelengths of light have shown significant results in treating injuries, illnesses, dermatological ailments, and circadian rhythms.

Popular uses are for, Nutrient deficiency, Vitamin D deficiency, Skin conditions, Acne vulgaris, Vitiligo, Anti-aging, and many others.


Light therapy uses either a light box which emits up to 10,000 lux of light at a specified distance, much brighter than a customary lamp, or a lower intensity of specific wavelengths of light from the blue (460 nm) to the green (525 nm) areas of the visible spectrum. A 1995 study showed that greenlight therapy at doses of 350 lux produces melatonin suppression and phase shifts equivalent to 10,000 lux white light therapy, but another study published in May 2010 suggests that the blue light often used for SAD treatment should perhaps be replaced by green or white illumination, because of a possible involvement of the cones in melatonin suppression.

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